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Zero-emission heating equipment standards: An emerging strategy to reduce pollution from buildings | EAN Leveraging Change Speaker Series

February 19 @ 4:30 pm 6:30 pm

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Fossil fuel use in buildings—primarily for heating—is the second largest source of Vermont’s climate pollution. Zero-emission heating equipment standards are an emerging regulatory approach to reduce GHG emissions and air pollution from buildings. States across the U.S., from California to Maryland, are exploring emissions-based standards for new equipment as a strategy to help meet state-level climate commitments. EAN will facilitate a conversation with Emily Levin (NESCAUM) and Nancy Seidman (RAP) about the history of equipment standards, what is happening in other states, and considerations for advancement in Vermont.


Emily Levin is a Senior Policy Advisor at NESCAUM (Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management), an association of state air agencies that promotes regional cooperation and action to address air pollution and climate change. She leads NESCAUM’s Building Electrification Initiative, working with Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states to advance policies for zero-emission buildings.

Nancy Seidman works on the RAP (Regulatory Assistance Project) U.S. team to advise policymakers, advocates, and other utility sector participants on the intersection of environmental and energy policies. Her work focuses primarily on climate change, air quality policy, and the benefits of energy efficiency.  

There will be plenty of time for networking, with light food available and a cash bar.

Venue: Hugo’s Bar and Grill, 44 Main St, Montpelier, VT