Charge Ahead Vermont: Electric Vehicle Transformation 
Dave Roberts, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation       

Plug-in electric vehicles powered by renewable energy will provide major reductions in Vermonters’ fossil fuel consumption and associated harmful emissions while lowering household expenses; we can address key barriers to accelerate this transformation by decreasing purchase costs, increasing charging infrastructure and boosting consumer awareness of EVs.

Pitch Summary:

Plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) are a critical strategy to meeting Vermont’s climate and
energy goals – they use a fraction of the energy required by gasoline vehicles and when
powered from Vermont’s grid can cut greenhouse gas emissions by over 50% today, with even greater reductions possible as renewable energy use grows. EVs can reduce household transportation costs, particularly for rural residents who must travel long distances for jobs and services. If strategically deployed, EVs can also help utilities manage peak demand and better integrate renewable energy sources, saving money for all ratepayers. In order to realize these benefits, public programs and policy can help overcome the primary barriers to EV adoption – upfront cost of the vehicle, public awareness of EVs and availability of EV models, and availability of public charging – while ensuring equity and affordability for all Vermonters. We propose:

• State incentives for EV purchases targeted to low and middle-income Vermonters and those in areas with high transportation costs; Support for expanding EV charging infrastructure;
• Expanded EV outreach and education activities, including partnerships with auto
dealers; and
• Utility policy that encourages EV adoption and incentivizes charging behavior
that benefits the grid.

Submitted By: Vermont Energy Investment Corporation

Full Pitch

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