Mission and Goals
Who We Are
Energy Action Network (EAN) is a diverse network of over two-hundred non-profits, businesses, public agencies, and other organizations working together in a collective impact framework and supported by a core staff to further the Network’s mission.
Our Mission
Energy Action Network works to achieve Vermont’s climate and energy commitments in ways that create a more just, thriving, and sustainable future.
Specifically, EAN is working to help Vermont:
- Meet the requirements of the Global Warming Solutions Act, which includes reducing Vermont’s greenhouse gas pollution to 26% below 2005 levels by 2025, to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050.
- Meet the goals of the Comprehensive Energy Plan, which includes meeting 25% of Vermont’s total energy needs from renewable sources by 2025, 40% by 2035, and 90% by 2050.
Indicators of progress include:
- Significant reductions in fossil fuel use and GHG pollution from energy
- Substantial increases in the share of our energy needs met via efficiency and renewables.
- Growth in the number of clean energy jobs in Vermont
- Vermonters becoming more energy-secure and resilient
- A stronger and more just Vermont economy
- An energy landscape that both benefits from and protects our natural resources and working lands.
Collective Impact Approach
We approach our work together through two key lenses:
- Total Energy Transformation: We work toward efficient and renewable energy use across all sectors — transportation, thermal, and electric.
- Strategic Leverage Areas: We work to enable systemic change at a scale and pace necessary to achieve Vermont’s energy & emissions commitments, focusing on Policy & Regulatory Reform, Capital Mobilization, Public Engagement, and Technology Innovation. We also support the Network Action Teams working on strategic projects identified and selected by the Network.
The core staff of the EAN Nonprofit compile data and analysis, and convene and support the EAN Network of nonprofits, businesses, public agencies, and other organizations, as we journey together to achieve Vermont’s climate commitments and energy goals.
The core staff of EAN supports the work of Network members in the following ways:
- Steward a Common Agenda: All Network members support the State of Vermont’s renewable energy commitments, including 90% renewable by 2050, and the goal of significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, because Network members have varying viewpoints and positions on how to achieve Vermont’s near and long-term energy and emissions commitments, EAN’s backbone staff commits to serve as a neutral convener of the Network and to refrain from advocating for specific policies.
- Collect Data and Measure Results: Ensure a common foundation of understanding by serving as Vermont’s trusted source for tracking and analysis of progress toward Vermont’s energy and emissions commitments (ex. Annual Progress Report, Vermont Energy Dashboard).
- Coordinate Mutually Reinforcing Activities: Convene the Network to develop, share, and advance high-impact ideas to meet our energy and climate commitments (ex. Vermont Energy and Climate Summit, Vermont Energy Future Initiative, EAN Fellows Program).
- Facilitate Continuous Communication: Ensure network members are up to date on relevant news, analysis, and emerging opportunities, both within Vermont and beyond (ex. Total Energy News monthly newsletter, Leveraging Change Speaker Series).