Speaker Series and Webinars

The Leveraging Change Speaker Series offers EAN members and public sector partners a chance to gather together in-person, to learn and discuss ideas, and to network.  These events bring in speakers from our broader region, to advance understanding of emerging opportunities to make breakthrough progress toward Vermont’s emission reduction commitments.  They happen approximately monthly, usually in Montpelier or Burlington.

EAN also offers semi-regular webinars presenting the research of our staff, interns, Senior Fellows, Network Action Teams, and other members.

The Leveraging Change Speaker Series is an EAN member event that aims to bring in speakers from New England and across the country to advance understanding of emerging opportunities to make breakthrough progress toward Vermont’s 2025 total energy and emissions reduction commitments. On the third Thursday of the month at Down Home Kitchen, we will bring in speakers that have demonstrated success in shifting paradigms around the energy system to share what they see as the highest impact drivers to make this kind of progress.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Vermont’s Changing Heating Sector: Insights from the latest data – and implications for the Global Warming Solutions Act and Clean Heat Standard

June 5, 2024 - Cafe Noa, Montpelier VT - 5-7pm   This event shared a presentation and discussion of EAN’s latest research paper, which explores how and why Vermont’s thermal sector is changing. Specifically, there has been a 12% decline in fossil heating fuel sales in Vermont between 2018 and 2023, according to data from the Vermont Department of Taxes. This includes latest research and...

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The Benefits of Helping High Mileage Drivers Go Electric

April 16, 2024 - Hugo's Bar and Grill, Montpelier VT - 5-7pm 14% of Vermont drivers collectively use 41% of Vermont’s gasoline. Helping these drivers, referred to as “Gasoline Superusers,” transition to electric vehicles can have outsized benefits in terms of both statewide pollution cuts and financial savings for the most gasoline-burdened households. In this Leveraging Change Speaker series...

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Grid Evolution as we “Electrify Everything”

March 20, 2024 - Hugo's Bar and Grill, Montpelier VT - 5-7pm We enjoyed a lively conversation about how the grid will need to evolve as we "Electrify Everything". Thanks to our speakers Rebecca Towne (Vermont Electric Co-op), Serge Abergel (Hydro-Québec), and Sarah Adams (ISO-NE) and Betsy Bloomer from VELCO as moderator.

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Climate Resilience Successes and Opportunities

January 24, 2024 - Cafe Noa, Montpelier VT - 5-7pm Despite wet, wintery weather conditions, this Leveraging Change speaker series event brought EAN members and partners together in conversation about climate resilience successes and opportunities in Vermont. Speakers Sue Minter, Executive Director of Capstone Community Action and Neale Lunderville, President & CEO of VGS both served as Chief...

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Local Ordinances to Reduce GHG Pollution

Tuesday December 5, 2023 - Queen City Brewery in Burlington VT - 5-7pm This EAN Leveraging Change Speaker Series conversation shared information about how local ordinances are being used in Vermont, and in other parts of the country, to reduce GHG emissions. EAN Senior Fellow Linda McGinnis moderated a conversation between Darren Springer (General Manager of the Burlington Electric Department)...

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Clean Transportation Equity

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at noon on Zoom. The EAN Clean Transportation Equity Network Action Team had a goal of advancing a collaborative process to identify Vermonters’ challenges in the transportation and transit equity spaces and their experiences navigating existing clean transportation programs. In order to do this, they partnered with organizations who could host focus group...

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Global Warming Solutions Act

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020 from 5:30 - 7:30 at the Garage Cultural Center, 58 State St, Montpelier, VT For our next Leveraging Change Speaker Series, the topic will be the proposed Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA), which was identified as a top priority for many network members at our 2019 Energy Action Network Summit in September. This conversation will be an exploration of how emissions...

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Burlington’s Roadmap to Net Zero

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 - 5:00-7:00pm Queen City Brewery, 703 Pine St, Burlington, VT For our next Leveraging Change Speaker Series, we will look at the city of Burlington's recent unveiling of their roadmap to reach net-zero energy by 2030. Join other Energy Action Network members in conversation with Darren Springer and Jen Green from the Burlington Electric Department to hear an overview of...

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Vermont’s Energy Burden: A Conversation with Kelly Lucci

Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 - 5:00-7:00pm Queen City Brewery, 703 Pine St, Burlington, VT For our first Leveraging Change Speaker Series of the summer, we will look at the latest analysis from VEIC on Vermont's energy burden: how much Vermonters are spending on energy costs relative to their income. Join EAN in conversation with Kelly Lucci from VEIC to hear an overview of the results of VEIC's 2019...

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Advancing a Clean Energy Economy: A Conversation with Phil Huffman and Christine Donovan

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 - 5:00-7:00pm **NECI on Main - the Basement, 118 Main St, Montpelier** **Note the new location! Due to a conflict at Down Home, we have moved to NECI for this event!** Up next for the Leveraging Change Speaker Series: a conversation about how strategic investments in clean energy can transform the New England economy and transition us away from fossil fuels. We'll be...

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An Opportunity to Invest: A Conversation with Karen Glitman and Linda McGinnis

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019 - 5:00-7:00pm Down Home Kitchen, 100 Main St, Montpelier Please note the date time has changed to Tuesday, April 23rd from 5:00-7:00pm. The Leveraging Change Speaker Series continues with a conversation about what Vermont can learn from three North American cap-and-invest programs to accelerate progress toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions efficiently and equitably...

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Equity in Policy Design: A Conversation with Stéphane Legros and Karen Glitman

Thursday, March 28, 2019 - 4:00-6:00pm Down Home Kitchen, 100 Main St, Montpelier Join us for the conversation at 4pm followed by a happy hour from 5:15 to 6:00. Next up for the Leveraging Change Speaker Series: a conversation about how to prioritize equity in the design of economy-wide decarbonization policies. We welcome back our neighbors to the north to discuss how they designed Quebec's...

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Decarbonizing Vermont & Investing in Vermonters: A conversation with the Regulatory Assistance Project

Thursday, February 21, 2019 - 4:00-6:00pm Down Home Kitchen, 100 Main St, Montpelier Join us for the conversation at 4pm followed by a happy hour from 5:15 to 6:00. The Leveraging Change Speaker Series continues with a timely conversation about policies that can produce both economic benefits and carbon reductions in and for Vermont. Join Energy Action Network and Rich Cowart from the Regulatory...

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Communicating Energy and Climate: A Conversation with Bob Perkowitz and Abby White

Communicating Energy & Climate: A Conversation with Bob Perkowitz and Abby White Thursday, January 17th, 2019 from 4:00-6:00pm Energy Action Network’s Leveraging Change Speaker Series continues with a conversation about communicating energy and climate featuring Bob Perkowitz, Founder and CEO of ecoAmerica. Public Engagement is a key leverage point for advancing systemic change to get off...

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Grid Modernization in Vermont: A Conversation with Ladeene Freimuth and Kerrick Johnson

Grid Modernization in Vermont: A Conversation with Ladeene Freimuth and Kerrick Johnson Thursday, December 20th, 2018 from 4:00-6:00pm Energy Action Network's Leveraging Change Speaker Series continues with a conversation about grid modernization featuring Ladeene Freimuth, Policy Director for the GridWise Alliance. Even though the electric sector produces only 10% of our greenhouse gas...

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A Conversation about the Transportation & Climate Initiative (November 15, 2018)

Energy Action Network is kicking off our Leveraging Change Speaker Series with a conversation about the prospects of expanding the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) to cover transportation related emissions. Currently, RGGI only covers emissions from the electric generation sector. Given that in Vermont, 43% of our emissions come from transportation, reducing these emissions is...

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