Tenant Weatherization Protection Pitch 2022

See the Q&A session about this pitch at the EAN Summit on Youtube here:  


According to 2020 data, there were 76,411 renter households in Vermont, projected to rise to 77,021 by 2025 in a state with 262,767, 29.1% of households. 74% of households who rent have incomes under Vermont’s median household income. 65% (49,829) of households who rent make under 80% of this threshold. Tenants cannot choose to weatherize their homes, as major structural changes are a decision only a landlord can make. Therefore we propose to start an initiative to investigate and implement policies that will both:

  • give tenants more power to ensure they have more comfortable, more affordable, and more efficient rental housing, and
  • incentivize landlords to utilize weatherization programs available including investigating capping tenant heating bills for un-weatherized properties.

Pitch + Q&A at Summit

Presented by

  • Tom Proctor, Rights & Democracy
  • Middlebury College
  • Conservation Law Foundation
  • Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission
  • Tenant representatives: James Strain, Bridget Mientka, Zoe Silverman, Sarah Sciotino, and Zoe Potter