Networked geothermal is a promising but unexplored solution for Vermont’s thermal sector. Unlike deep wells needed to heat an individual home, networked geothermal uses water-filled loops to both heat and cool an entire street or village center. The more neighborhoods are linked to the system, the more affordable and efficient it becomes, offering an equitable way to transition off of fossil fuels and other polluting heating sources. These non-emitting underground networks not only accelerate progress toward climate goals, but also provide healthier indoor air, safety, resiliency, minimal land impacts, and comparable jobs for current gas workers. They are tried and true, but very few people have heard of them. We know they work, as they have been operational on college campuses and in different geographies for years, but we don’t yet know how to scale them nationally or how to implement them most effectively in Vermont. This team will build a coalition to co-create a strategy for networked geothermal in Vermont, prioritizing affordable housing and low- to middle-income communities. The team will engage a wide range of experts, state and local leaders, and community representatives to inform, build, and demonstrate demand. We will enable a more rapid implementation of networked geothermal systems by addressing known financial, ownership, and workforce barriers as well as creating the trust and support needed to help this much-needed solution succeed at scale in Vermont.