Network Action Teams

Network Action Teams were selected by EAN Network members through a competitive process at the EAN Annual Summits in 2020-2022.  These projects were chosen based on their potential to help Vermont rapidly, cost-effectively, and equitably reduce fossil fuels and greenhouse gas pollution.  Each project is guided by a Network Action Team comprised of a wide variety of Energy Action Network members and public sector partners collaborating to make progress on developing concepts and working toward their implementation. 

Network Action Teams

Climate Workforce Coalition

Goal: Create and implement a plan to reduce the gaps in the climate workforce in order to support implementation of Vermont’s Climate Action Plan. 

Thermal Energy Networks Team

Goal: Build a coalition to co-create a strategy for expanding geothermal and other kinds of Thermal Energy Networks in Vermont. 

Weatherization at Scale Coalition

Goal: By 2030, weatherize every home of low-to-moderate income Vermonters who make less than 120% of average median income – including renters.  

Tenant Weatherization Protection

Goal:  Investigate policies and programs that will give tenants more power to ensure they have more comfortable, more affordable, and more efficient rental housing, and incentivize landlords to utilize weatherization programs available.

Clean Heat Working Group

Goal:  Explore options that would require fossil fuel corporations and utilities that sell heating fuels in Vermont to reduce their climate pollution over time, in line with Global Warming Solutions Act requirements.  

Teams that have “Graduated” or are currently inactive

Transportation Cap & Invest

This group was formed to identify what it would take to spur the adoption of a program in Vermont that could reduce emissions at the rate needed to meet our legal requirements under the Global Warming Solutions Act, and to create a dedicated funding stream for transportation equity.

Switch and Save

This team helped avoid locking Vermonters into fossil-fuel-based heating systems by proactively supporting lower-income Vermonters with installation of efficient, electric alternatives. 

Future of Rural Transit

This team explored options to prepare Vermont to have the most efficient, equitable, and cost-effective rural transportation system in the US by combining public, Medicaid, and school transportation into a single electrified public transportation system, and created a toolkit for communities exploring combined transportation services.  

VT Clean Transportation Equity

This team advanced a collaborative process to identify the highest impact investment opportunities, in terms of cost-effective and equitable greenhouse gas reduction strategies and actions, for clean transportation revenue in Vermont.

Replace Your Ride

This Network Action Team helped create a pilot program for the state of Vermont to help low-income Vermonters switch to clean transportation options affordably, while also accelerating the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.

Vermont Energy Future Initiative

The Vermont Energy Future Initiative was a diverse, multi-sectoral group of leaders convened by the Energy Action Network beginning July 2018. The shared goal of all Initiative members was to develop ideas and advance actions that could make significant progress towards meeting Vermont’s 2025 total energy and emissions reduction commitments while creating a more just, thriving, and sustainable future for Vermonters. It was this concept that molded into future Network Action Teams.

Small grants were also awarded to support Fare-Free Transit and Renew Vermont: Building a Movement for a Just and Equitable Future as a result of their pitches at the 2020 EAN Summit.

Although EAN Network Members may support specific policy actions, EAN staff support the work of the action teams through our role as a neutral convener and refrain from advocating for specific policies.