April 16, 2024 – Hugo’s Bar and Grill, Montpelier VT – 5-7pm

14% of Vermont drivers collectively use 41% of Vermont’s gasoline. Helping these drivers, referred to as “Gasoline Superusers,” transition to electric vehicles can have outsized benefits in terms of both statewide pollution cuts and financial savings for the most gasoline-burdened households. In this Leveraging Change Speaker series event we will hear about Gasoline Superusers and new policies and programs that could help these drivers move to EVs.
  • Rob Sargent, Policy Director for Coltura has three decades of experience on campaigns to expedite the deployment of local solar, energy storage, and the electrification of transportation and buildings. Coltura recently released a report on this topic titled: Cracking the Gasoline Code: Using new gasoline consumption data to lift the most gasoline-burdened Americans and cut gasoline use faster and more efficiently. Coltura also produced a Vermont specific overview of the topic. 
  • Darren Springer, General Manager of Burlington Electric Department since 2018, has led the development and implementation of Burlington’s Net Zero Energy Roadmap. In March 2024, BED became the first utility in the nation to add an additional incentive for Superusers who want to transition to an EV.   
  • Moderator: Karen Glitman, Senior Director of Distributed Energy Resources for the Center for Sustainable Energy, leads CSE’s efforts to uncover new opportunities to support entities around the nation in meeting a shared goal of decarbonization. 

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