Pitch Summary:
The leading source of carbon pollution and personal expense in Vermont is the total dependence on the personal car. The state can massively reduce its carbon load and make life cheaper for many Vermonters by aggressively developing alternate local transportation services which are designed to serve our rural environment. From the creation of shared use jitney services to the active rebuilding of little-used railroad lines we could provide alternate means to get people to and from work and in and out of our town centers without the demands of the personal car. This solution only works if the state also increases the cost of convenience for the personal car by making in town parking capacity more expensive and inconvenient.
Submitted by: Dan Jones – Sustainable Montpelier Coalition
[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-5-Dan-Jones-Sustainable-Montpelier-Coalition-Create-Transportation-Alternatives-.output.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 5 – Dan Jones – Sustainable Montpelier Coalition – Create Transportation Alternatives .output”]