Pitch Summary:

Drift Marketplace streamlines electricity purchases through a SaaS peer-to-peer network using artificial intelligence and high-frequency trading methods to balance electrical supply and demand between customers and devices of all types, in real-time removing inefficiencies from the current wholesale power market structure and passing the resulting savings on to consumers. By factoring in variables, such as the individual customers historical usage, zip code microclimate weather data estimates, real-time grid operational parameters; energy is intelligently distributed, stored and dispatched from its network of peer-to-peer energy nodes to deliver power to its consumers at substantial savings over utility rates, with multiple added benefits, including participation in the value of the DER assets. Drift (a FERC Load Serving Entity) operates as a Distributed Independent System Operator (“d/ISO”) integrated within the larger wholesale market. For its supply of energy, Drift secures a multitude of independent power producers in its network that range from hydroelectric dams, solar-plus-storage projects, wind farms, PV recharging stations, residential storage devices and large commercial building management systems. Additionally, Drift is creating a Distributed Asset Ownership Platform (“DAOP”) to revolutionize the acquisition, financing and deployment of distributed energy resource assets vesting ownership and revenue from the sale of excess power through the d/ISO in those that generate the need for the asset – the Consumer. This economically aligns the consumer to the marketplace through asset ownership, driving prices down, fostering faster deployment of clean intelligent energy, vitalizing local communities, creating jobs, and democratizing energy.

Submitted by: Thomas Polich – Drift Marketplace

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-7-Thomas-Polich-Drift-Marketplace-Distributed-Asset-Ownership-Platform.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 7 – Thomas Polich – Drift Marketplace – Distributed Asset Ownership Platform”]


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