Emphasize and Improve Tier III
Dan Mellinger, Energy Futures Group

Improve Tier III by addressing the implementation challenges between the DUs and the EEU; quantify the Tier III impact on fossil fuel use and electric rates through a 2019 evaluation; and build support towards the Tier III goals.

Pitch Summary:

Renew commitment to the Vermont Renewable Energy Standard Tier III
goals. Improve clarity regarding roles, boundaries, and savings credit among the
distribution utilities (DUs) and the energy efficiency utilities (EEUs). Revise the Tier III
language and goals to include savings realized through the EEUs to better encourage
partnerships instead of competition. Provide an analysis documenting the business case for distribution utilities. Provide education to ratepayers on the system-wide benefits of Tier III electrification.

Submitted by: Richard Faesy & Dan Mellinger, Energy Futures Group

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-23-EFG-2-Emphasize-Improve-Tier-III.output.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 23 – EFG #2 Emphasize & Improve Tier III.output”]