Pitch Summary:

HEAT Squad, a service of NeighborWorks of Western Vermont, is a one-stop-shop for energy, home repair, health, and safety, aging-in-place assessments and improvements for homeowners. HEAT Squad provides free or low-cost energy audits and then walks homeowners through the entire rehab process, including help finding contractors, working with contractors, financing the projects, and ensuring work is high quality and homeowners are satisfied. HEAT Squad is currently in Rutland, Addison, Bennington, Windham, and Windsor counties, and proposes to expand statewide over the next few years, helping more Vermonters. In this presentation, we will share our success story and our plans for expansion of the HEAT Squad program, and let folks know how they can help, both at the community and state policy level. We respectfully ask for $250,000/year for five years of state funding to launch our statewide expansion. Current HEAT Squad customers, the majority of whom are earning less than 120% of area median income, are collectively saving $1.25 M a year and 7.5 M pounds of carbon. HEAT Squad has created more than 62 jobs and, with another $1M investment, will create 16 more jobs.

Submitted by: Lucy Biddle, NeighborWorks of Western Vermont

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-17-Ludy-Biddle-NWWVT-Energy-Efficiency-Starts-at-Home-HEAT-Squad-Expansion.output.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 17 – Ludy Biddle – NWWVT – Energy Efficiency Starts at Home – HEAT Squad Expansion.output”]

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