
Taking stock of where Vermont stands on climate and energy heading into 2025

November 12, 2024

Pitch Summary:

We propose that a research team with expertise in energy efficiency, renewable energy, technological change, greenhouse-gas accounting and economics be established to do due diligence on proposed climate policies and programs. The purpose of the team will be to ensure that climate programs and policies are coordinated and will cost-effectively meet climate and economic goals. The team will:

  • – Identify resources and conditions needed by proposed policies and programs
  •  Estimate:
    •  Reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions;
    • Social and cash-flow costs and benefits of proposed actions;
    • Distributions of costs and benefits among income groups;
  • – Develop implementation schedules so that required conditions and inputs are
    present when programs are started; and Report results of their work to the Vermont legislature, Governor, state agencies and public.
  • Among the possible actions that could be considered are alternative:
    • Sources of renewable energy at different scales;
    • Means of:
      – Reducing the costs of weatherization;
      – Accelerating electrification of transportation; and
      – Accelerating sequestration of carbon in agriculture and with other means

Submitted by: Rick Wackernagel and Gary Dir

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”EAN Pitch 35 – Rick Wackernagel and Gary Dir – Pathway Evalution to 25 by 2025″]