Pitch Summary:

Vermont’s 2016 Comprehensive Energy Plan (2016 Plan) notes that the state cannot meet its energy use and emissions reduction goals without transforming how it powers its vehicles. The state’s transportation fuels account for the single-largest portion of Vermont’s total energy consumption, and fossil fuels are the main source of that energy. Given the size of the state, it will be difficult to make such a transformation in the absence of a regional effort. To consider how Vermont could cost-effectively reduce emissions, and continue to grow Vermont’s economy, Ceres proposes to undertake a regional assessment for Governor Scott and the newly formed Vermont Climate Action Commission. This assessment would be independently funded. The assessment would be based on the 2016 Plan and would:

  • Explore the economic and environmental benefits of implementing a regional market-based strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, achieving rapid deployment of electric vehicles and increasing availability of advanced liquid and/or gaseous biofuels.
  • Consider the pros and cons of a Vermont-based program versus a regional program as well as the benefits for Vermont and other participating states in a regional program.
  • Evaluate the various market-based design options, the associated environmental benefits, economic costs and benefits for all Vermonters and Vermont businesses, and opportunities to return benefits to all consumers.
  • Outline the regulatory measures in Vermont that would be necessary to support these options.
  • Take advantage of Vermont’s chairmanship of the New England Governors’ group to explore a regional framework for achieving these transportation goals across the region.
  • The completed assessment would provide the essential foundation for Vermont to support the implementation of a regional market-based program for the transportation sector.

Submitted by: Sara Forni – Ceres

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-6-Sara-Forni-Ceres-Regional-Market-Based-Strategy-Assessment-to-Reduce-Transportation-Emissions-in-the-Northeast.output.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 6 – Sara Forni – Ceres – Regional Market-Based Strategy Assessment to Reduce Transportation Emissions in the Northeast.output”]

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