Pitch Summary:

Raise the professional “bar” for builders and remodelers in Vermont through promotion of a builder registry for contractors committed to following a strict ethical standard in business relationships with consumers and trade partners. As part of the registry requirements builders and remodelers agree to comply with state rules and regulations including Vermont’s energy code. The infrastructure for such a registry exists through the non‐profit Registered Vermont Builder/Remodeler, Inc.This volunteer approach could be an interim step towards a future state‐sponsored mandatory registry. Without statewide enforcement of the energy code not all homes are being built to the energy code baseline. The registry can serve as a resource where customers can access names of builders and remodelers committed to quality work, continuous education, and energy code compliance.

Submitted by:  Ward Smyth, Builder

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-36-Ward-Smyth-Vermont-Registered-Builder-Remodeler-Program.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 36 – Ward Smyth – Vermont Registered Builder Remodeler Program”]

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