Harnessing Energy Storage for Local Clean Energy, Jobs, and Grid Resiliency in Vermont
Nathan Wyeth, Sunrun & Richard Morin, Dynapower

By incentivizing residences, businesses, and utilities to build a network of distributed energy resources that link our grid with renewable energy and energy storage installations throughout the state, Vermont can save ratepayers millions, reduce our carbon footprint and create sustainable jobs that boost Vermont’s economy for years to come.

Pitch Summary:

Distributed energy enables Vermonters to generate local clean power from their own rooftops. Increasingly affordable home batteries offer backup power. Given the option to go nearly or all the way off grid and have backup power, many may choose to do so. But we can’t afford to build both centralized and distributed renewable infrastructure – we need smart coordination.

Sunrun proposes to bring BrightBox residential solar+storage to Vermont to create a local clean energy platform to support Vermont’s utilities. This platform will help balance the grid to maximize integration of clean energy. It will make room for and can eventually incorporate other distributed energy like connected water heaters and EVs. Balancing the grid with local clean energy will unlock the ability to convert dirty fuels to electricity – such as converting heating from heating oil to efficient heat pumps and adding electric vehicles – while minimizing spikes in electricity demand that create the need for importing power from polluting peaker plants or building new transmission lines crossing Vermont. This localized clean energy platform will create community energy resiliency in the event of storms or extended grid outage, and utilize private investment to bring down costs for all.

Submitted by: Nathan Wyeth, Director, Grid Solutions, Sunrun

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-16-Nathan-Wyeth-SunRun-Residential-SolarStorage.output.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 16 – Nathan Wyeth – SunRun – Residential Solar+Storage.output”]

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