
Taking stock of where Vermont stands on climate and energy heading into 2025

November 12, 2024

Pitch Summary:

Build on Vermont’s voluntary building energy labeling efforts (Vermont Home Energy Profile) to progressively implement requirements over time. Begin with requiring sellers to provide information on energy efficiency programs and resources at the time of listing of a property (pass S.118 from 2017). Then, if inadequate uptake within two years, a trigger mechanism could go into effect that requires a rating or audit at time of listing. If a rating or audit don’t result in meeting established goals within two years, require energy upgrades within one year after the purchase of a building). Over time, as building change hands, eventually all buildings are upgraded.

Submitted by Chuck Reiss – BPPA.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”EAN Pitch 10 – Chuck Reiss – BPPA – Time of Sale Energy Improvements.output”]