Pitch Summary

Today, Vermont Gas (VGS) plays a vital role in reducing the state’s GHG emissions and we will play a significant role in achieving the 2025/2050 goals. VGS’ Triple “R” Pitch (Replace, Reduce and Renewable) focuses on combining our services in an innovative manner that will maximize the climate benefits. First, by REPLACING fuel oil and propane heating in roughly 900 homes/yr. with cleaner, more affordable natural gas VGS will reduce carbon emissions by over 21,000* metric tons by 2025 and save consumers over $5m. Second, through our nationally recognized efficiency program we will REDUCE customers’ energy consumption by an additional 570,000 MMBtu through 2025, reducing GHG emissions by over 30,000* metric tons and saving consumers over $6m. And finally with RENEWABLES and VGS’ first in the nation, renewable natural gas program (“EcoGas”) we will be utilizing VGS’ infrastructure to deliver renewable energy from local farms and reducing GHG emission by over 73,000* Metric Tons. In aggregate, these measures will reduce GHG emission by over 125,000 Metric Tons* by 2025, certainly a significant amount, and one that merits strong consideration by the Governor’s Climate Commission. The two areas where aggressive policy could accelerate the progress of the Triple R is by incenting additional renewable natural gas digesters and by assisting large vehicle fleet conversions (ex. buses, snowplow and refuse trucks) to renewable natural gas powered vehicles. *Accumulated Carbon Savings

Submitted by: Vermont Gas Systems

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-14-Tom-Murray-VGS-Triple-R-Bundle-Replace-Reduce-and-Renewable.output.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 14 – Tom Murray – VGS – Triple R Bundle-Replace Reduce and Renewable.output”]

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