Pitch Summary:
As Vermont updates the Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) and Commercial Building Energy Standards (CBES), incorporate standards for newly constructed buildings that support Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan. Phase in the base energy code to require fossil-fuel-free (i.e., all-electric or biomass-heated) new residential buildings by 2025 and commercial buildings by 2030. Provide electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities in each new residence and all commercial parking spaces. In the interim, with the next update of RBES and CBES, require:
• “PV-Ready” construction elements for all buildings (i.e. solar assessment, conduit from
basement to attic, breaker panel space, and roof framing sized to support PV array);
• Fossil-Fuel-Free buildings for the Stretch Code five year earlier than the base energy
code; and
• Phased in EV charging facilities.
Submitted by: Richard Faesy & Dan Mellinger, Energy Futures Group
[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-44-EFG-17-Vermont-Energy-Code-Enhancements.output-1.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 44 – EFG #17 Vermont Energy Code Enhancements”]