Pitch Summary:

We’ve had a good, long “engagement” with cutting carbon emissions. Now it’s time for Vermont to “tie the knot” and commit to actually reducing them. Vermont can join other New England states and pass a Global Warming Solutions Act that commits us to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making measurable progress each year. A clear commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions will direct all state actions, including decisions about energy supply, state spending, and transportation, and will translate Vermont’s strong goals into real action.

Summary Sentence:

Passage of a Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act to join other New England states in
making a firm commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with Vermont’s
goals and take state action to make meaningful progress across all sectors.

Submitted by: Sandra Levine, Conservation Law Foundation

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-19-Sandy-Levine-CLF-Vermont-Global-Warming-Solutions-Act.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 19 – Sandy Levine – CLF – Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act”]

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