Recording of Presentations and Q&A

2:00 Foundational Research

9:00 Regenerative Workforce Housing

15:00 Renew Vermont


“Foundational Research: Mapping Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Vermont’s Energy Sector; and Public Sector Spending on Climate Change: Where are we?”

  • Presented by: Kelly Lucci (Efficiency Vermont); Dan Quinlan (SolaVida)
  • Summary: This pitch combines two foundational research questions: 1) In addition to income, how do demographic factors such as race, age, gender, and homeownership status impact participation in Vermont’s energy programs? What can be done to make these programs more equitable and accessible? 2) Implementing a smart and comprehensive plan for growing Vermont’s clean energy sector, while also dealing with the unavoidable impacts of climate change, is going to present enormously hard state budget allocation decisions. The first question will be – how much is Vermont spending today?
  • Read Full Pitch Proposals: Mapping Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Vermont’s Energy Sector; and Public Sector Spending on Climate Change: Where are we?

“Regenerative Workforce Housing Development Plan”

  • Presented by: Alison Low and Nicole Gratton (Northeastern Vermont Development Association)
  • Summary: Regenerative Housing (RH) is well positioned to address thermal energy burden, workforce housing shortages, and energy inequities. RH combines smart growth principles with energy efficiency and technology  innovations. RH provides reliable, safe and affordable renewable sources of energy for house and vehicle energy systems. This pitch is looking to create a development plan for Regenerative Housing on a brownfield site in a NEK downtown setting.
  • Read Full Pitch Proposal

“Renew Vermont: Building a Movement for a Just and Equitable Future” 

  • Presented by: Kiah Morris and Kate Logan (Rights & Democracy)
  • Summary: It is well understood that people from the global majority are consistently the bearers of the most brutal impacts of our rapidly increasing climate crisis. Most attempts to address or mitigate these impacts bear little benefit to and are not reflective of the needs, hopes, and demands of those that this work should rightfully be in service to. The Renew Vermont Alliance project will activate the wisdom and expertise of those constituencies to build out a robust platform and policy demands that will prove restorative and reparative for generational harm enacted in the name of profit over planet and people. As a part of a region-wide effort, Renew New England, the Renew Vermont Alliance will establish a policy advisory entity that is representational of impacted communities, and work in concert with other organizations across New England on collectively developed and shared regional strategies towards our climate and energy goals. We’re developing policies and programs, conducting public education and building grassroots power to achieve a region wide Jobs Guarantee, universal healthcare, affordable housing, racial justice, and bold climate action – led by and in service to those who are consistently left behind in Vermont’s remediation efforts.
  • Read Full Pitch Proposal

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