Vermont has a major moral imperative, economic opportunity, and legal requirement to achieve our 2025, 2030, and 2050 energy and GHG emissions reduction commitments in ways that “create a more just, thriving, and sustainable future” for Vermonters.  That is why EAN seeks pitches annually for promising opportunities to help Vermont rapidly, cost-effectively, and equitably reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas pollution. Below are the four cross cutting sector-related pitches that were presented at the 2021 EAN Network Summit.

Please see additional information on the pitch process and pitch voting here

Comprehensive Fossil Fuel Equipment Change Out (Fossil -> ECO)

Presented by Geoff Martin (TRORC), and Ben Edgerly Walsh (VPIRG)

See more on this pitch here.

Building Vermont’s Climate Workforce to Achieve our GHG Emission Reduction Goals

Presented by State Representative Charlie Kimbell, State Representative Gabrielle Stebbins (Energy Futures Group), State Representative Scott Campbell, Rhoni Basden (Vermont Works for Women), Tom Longstreth (ReSOURCE), Breck Knauft (Vermont Youth Conservation Corps)

See more on this pitch here.

A Coordinated Approach to Rural Electrification

Presented by Bonnie Pratt (Packetized Energy)

See more on this pitch here.

Polling to Support Effective Policy Options and Attractive Consumer Choices

Presented by Bill Regan (EAN Senior Fellow)

See more on this pitch here.

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