2023 Pitches to EAN Summit

EAN seeks pitches from Network members and public sector partners that answer the question:  What is most needed now for Vermont to meet our greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements in ways that will create a more just, thriving, and sustainable future for Vermonters?  

In order to ensure that selected pitches lead to concrete action, EAN staff will provide 1-2 winning pitches with support to form Network Action Teams made up of Network members and public sector partners who will work together to co-create the best strategies for moving the pitch ideas forward.

This year EAN welcomes pitches to set up catalyst or coalition building teams. 

  • A Catalyst Network Action Team incubates a new project or policy idea and brings together Network members to take action and make progress on a concept, usually over the course of one to two years.
  • Coalition Building teams offer core support for multi-stakeholder initiatives that may not otherwise happen.  These coalitions tend to be longer term and ongoing.   

In 2023, up to two pitches will be selected to create Network Action Teams and receive EAN staff support which can include organizing and facilitation of meetings, project planning, and research, as well as seed grants of up to $15,000.  After they are selected, Network Action Teams will be expected to designate a chair or co-chairs to coordinate with EAN, and will provide a workplan and budget for use of EAN funds. 

[maxbutton id=”7″ url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/2023-Pitch-Submission-form-2.docx” text=”Download Pitch Form” is_download=”true” ]

Pitch Selection Criteria

EAN’s mission is to achieve Vermont’s climate and energy commitments in ways that create a more just, thriving, and sustainable future for Vermonters.  With that mission in mind, we seek strategic interventions in the energy system that will:

  • Promote energy equity – that all people should have access to reliable, safe, and affordable sources of energy; protection from a disproportionate share of negative impacts or externalities associated with building and operating our energy supply and distribution systems; and equitable distribution of and access to benefits from these systems.
  • Align with and/or be consistent with recommendations and pathways in the VT Climate Action Plan.
  • Provide significant reductions in fossil fuel use and GHG pollution from energy, which are highest in the buildings (thermal) and transportation sectors.  Pitches related to cross-sector GHG emissions reduction, or from beyond the thermal and transportation sectors, will also be welcome. 
  • Create a stronger and more just Vermont economy.
  • Help fill jobs in the clean energy/climate workforce.
  • Help Vermonters become more energy-secure and resilient.
  • Promote or protect public health.
  • Support an energy landscape that both benefits from and protects our natural resources and working lands.
  • Have committed leadership from multiple network member organizations and/or across multiple sectors (i.e., energy, health, education, etc.).

The deadline for pitch submissions is August 10, 2023.  Those who submit a pitch are committing to being part of a Network Action Team for at least one year, with support from EAN staff and other Network members, if their pitch is selected.  

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View and Download the Pitch Submission Form here: [embeddoc url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/2023-Pitch-Submission-form-2.docx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]