EAN 2024 Summer Internship Program

Energy Action Network (EAN) is pleased to announce our 2024 Summer Internship Program. Applications are due March 1, 2024 March 8, 2024 for college students (rising juniors and seniors in 2024) and 2024 college graduates excited by EAN’s mission of achieving Vermont’s climate and energy commitments in ways that create a just, thriving, and sustainable future.

EAN (the non-profit) is a mission-driven organization founded in 2012 to serve as a “backbone” organization for EAN (the Network), a broad and diverse collection of over 200 member organizations and public partners who are committed to helping Vermont achieve climate, clean energy, and energy justice goals and aspirations. EAN’s work is done in a “collective impact” framework, supported by a Board of Directors and core staff. Serving as an Intern will provide an impactful opportunity to engage with and help inform future actions of climate, clean energy, sustainability, and energy justice leaders in Vermont.

Internship Areas of Focus 

Two Summer Interns will be selected for 2024. Each Intern will develop and carry out a research and writing project directly related to the ongoing work of EAN. Applicants are encouraged to review previous Intern research projects on the EAN website and the 2023 Annual Progress Report for Vermont. Examples of possible internship projects for 2024 that have been identified and prioritized by EAN are provided below.

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) by Household Income
    Not all households use similar amounts of energy for heating, cooling, and transportation, and greenhouse gas emissions vary among households depending on the types (and amounts) of fuels used for energy. The purpose of this project would be to develop a methodology for estimating the GHG emissions of households at various income levels based on their energy use, and to use the methodology to analyze household GHG emissions in Vermont by income level. Results of this project would further advance important work on ensuring an equitable transition to a clean energy economy moving forward.
  • Consumer Protection for Utility Bill Payment
    As Vermont actively seeks to increase reliance on carbon-free electricity for heating and transportation, it is important to ensure adequate utility bill assistance programs and cut-off protections are in place for households who may struggle with timely bill payment. The purpose of this project would be to research existing programs and initiatives in Vermont that provide utility bill assistance to low-income households and to assess their effectiveness in protecting consumers from utility service cut-offs due to late (or non) bill payment. Examples of leading consumer protection practices in other states could also be researched, as examples Vermont may consider implementing in the future.
  • Designing Equitable Zero-Emission Performance Standards
    As Vermont seeks to transition to clean, renewable fuels, interest is growing in increasing the use of zero-emission appliances for space heating, water heating, and cooking. Work is underway in other leading states and jurisdictions to develop and implement zero-emission performance standards for such appliances. The standards are intended to apply to appliances in new buildings as well as during replacement of appliances in existing buildings. This project would involve: researching and summarizing zero-emission performance standards being developed at the national and/or state levels; researching other states that are implementing such standards; researching the potential impacts and considerations related to equity and environmental justice; and reporting on current best practices in ensuring affordability and equity when rolling out such standards. Results will be of use to the EAN Network and various Energy Action Teams actively engaged in exploring this option for Vermont.
  • Residential and Commercial Wood Fuel Prices
    The use of wood for heating is a common and long-lived practice in Vermont. The last documented data on wood fuel prices in the state are now more than 5 years old and former mechanisms for collecting such data are no longer in place. The purpose of this project would be to research and report on current and recent retail prices charged for wood pellets, wood chips, and cordwood used for heating by residences, businesses, and schools in Vermont. Research methodologies are expected to include development of a survey tool that includes key questions to address and the use of a blend of telephone, email, and internet research to obtain the needed information. Results will be of direct use to EAN and others who periodically analyze and report on the comparative costs of various fuel types.

The project ideas above have been identified as timely, relevant, and valuable by the EAN team. Other project ideas are also welcome. Internship applicants are strongly encouraged to propose key area(s) of interest and one or more possible projects for the internship in your application. Potential areas of focus for each internship will be discussed during the interview process. The final areas of focus will be determined once the internship begins.

Work Environment

This internship will be conducted remotely, with most meetings happening via video call. If practical, there may also be one or two in person team meetings at the EAN office in downtown Montpelier. In addition, office space may be available for one or both Interns if Montpelier is a convenient location for the Intern(s).

Team Engagement

Both Interns will be mentored and supported by Christine Donovan, an EAN Senior Fellow and former Board Member. This will be supplemented by periodic team engagement and interaction with: Jared Duval, Executive Director, Cara Robechek, Deputy Director and Network Manager, Lena Stier, Data Manager, and potentially other Network members.

At least 3 one-hour Zoom teleconferences will be held with the Interns each week. This will help ensure the Interns are welcomed into EAN, experience thoughtful and substantive discussions and interactions with Christine and staff, and enjoy a sense of teamwork and engagement during their internships. In addition, Christine will be available via cell phone for consultation, brainstorming, etc. at any time during normal business hours. Christine will engage Jared, Cara, Lena, and others as appropriate.

Required Qualifications

  • College students who are rising juniors and seniors in 2024 and/or 2024 college graduates
  • GPA of 3.3 or higher
  • Passion for helping lead the transition to a clean energy, decarbonized economy
  • Demonstrated research, writing, and verbal communication skills
  • Prior course work, internships, or employment in energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean transportation, climate action, or related sustainability issues
  • Successful experience working independently and producing pre-determined final products on time and with a high-level of professionalism
  • Reliable access to the internet as well as access to a personal computer or laptop
  • Proficient with WORD, Excel, Power Point, YouTube, and other forms of social media

Desired Qualifications

  • Prior course work that involved conducting quantitative analysis
  • Interest in using quantitative analysis as a basis for clean energy policy options

Application Process and Schedule

Please send a cover letter, a resume, two letters of recommendation, and a 3-to 5-page writing sample by Friday, March 8 at 5 pm ET to: Christine Donovan at ctdonovan@aol.com. Interviews will be conducted via Zoom during the weeks of March 18 and 25. All applicants will be notified of their status by Friday, April 5.


A $5,000 stipend is available for each of two Summer Interns for a 10-week, 25-30 hour per week internship beginning Tuesday, June 4 and ending Friday, August 16.

EAN is an equal opportunity employer.

Download EAN Summer Internship 2024 Description and Timeline

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