EAN is convening a diverse, multi-sector initiative to develop and advance high-impact ideas that can make significant progress towards meeting Vermont’s 2025 total energy & climate goals while creating an equitable, thriving, and sustainable Vermont.

As our Annual Report clearly shows, Vermont has made great progress in making our electric sector more renewable. However, electricity is only 27% of our energy use, and emits just 9% of our total carbon pollution.

We remain much farther behind in the thermal and transportation sectors, which together account for over two-thirds of Vermont’s carbon pollution.

We must redouble our efforts to meet Vermont’s commitments on total renewable energy (electricity, transportation, and thermal). We must ensure all Vermonters have access to reliable, affordable, and renewable energy. And we can do this together — with a diverse set of current and future leaders from across Vermont to work collaboratively and create the roadmap for action to achieve our vision.

This is a massive opportunity. The economic benefits of eliminating our fossil fuel dependence have never been fully calculated. But we know that investing in efficiency and renewables saves money over the long-term and keeps more dollars in Vermont. If successful, the results are increasing jobs, a locally based economy, reduced healthcare costs, lower and more stable energy costs, and more disaster-resilient communities.

It’s not just about Vermont. Success here can demonstrate that switching to renewables for heating and transportation works in a rural, middle-income state.  It’s time for Vermont to reclaim its historic leadership mantle on energy & climate.

We have to get beyond the choir. If you’re reading this, we know you are on board. That’s why this initiative will draw on the expertise of existing energy leaders and non-energy leaders across Vermont.

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