Total Energy News March 2023
Your Update on Vermont and National Energy News
With the first breezes of spring reaching us this week, the EAN staff has started thinking about our opportunities to gather as a Network in the coming months. For the second year, we will be offering a “pre-Summit” gathering on June 1st to reconnect with Network members and public sector partners, brainstorm and discuss priorities for our Network, and collaborate around developing pitches for the 2023 EAN Annual Summit in September. Registration for the June 1st pre-Summit in Montpelier is now open, with reduced registration rates through May 5th. Register here.
Please also SAVE THE DATE for the 2023 EAN Summit! This year’s summit will return to Sugarbush Resort, where our traditional EAN Summit will take place on September 28th. We look forward to also offering a second day on September 29th focused on Network Action Teams learning from one another and planning. We hope many of you will join us for both days, and consider staying over at Sugarbush resort on Thursday September 28th as well for more informal networking in the evening and/or morning. Summit registration will open later this spring, but please add these dates to your calendar now!
All the best,
Cara, Jared, and Lena
News from the World
Climate change is speeding toward catastrophe.
Earth is likely to cross a critical threshold for global warming within the next decade, and nations will need to make an immediate and drastic shift away from fossil fuels.
NY Times
How Washington raised $300 million for climate action from polluters
Washington state’s first “cap-and-invest” auction raised nearly $300 million from polluting companies to fund emissions reduction projects.
As oil companies stay lean, workers move to renewable energy
Solar, wind, geothermal, battery, and other alternative-energy businesses are adding workers from fossil fuel companies, where employment has fallen.
NY Times
Data Download: State fees, taxes, and charges vs. emissions for different fuels
There is a well-established principle in economics known as “polluter-pays”: the sources responsible for the social and environmental costs of pollution should be responsible for paying to clean it up. However, when it comes to fees, taxes, and charges imposed on energy sources used in Vermont, our cleanest and least polluting energy source – electricity – pays far more in fees and charges per unit of energy produced while our dirtiest and most polluting energy sources – fossil fuels – pay far less, contributing comparatively little to efficiency and other public investments. To put it in perspective: fuel oil produces more than 8 times more climate pollution per unit of energy produced than Vermont’s electricity portfolio… and yet fuel oil contributes 10 times less in revenue for efficiency and other important public investments. 
Network Action Team Profile:
Climate Workforce
This winter the Climate Workforce Network Action Team collaborated with six community organizations to learn about how people in different demographics might view job opportunities in the climate workforce, and how they get information about jobs. The focus group conversations hosted by CVOEO, ReSOURCE, Rights & Democracy, St. Johnsbury Community Hub, Vermont Energy Education Program, and Vermont Works for Women are the basis of a new Climate Workforce: Community Feedback & Findings Report released last week.
From the focus groups, the Network Action Team was able to highlight key priorities for participants in their employment decisions and how they learn about career pathways and job opportunities. They were also able to understand how these individuals feel about the jobs in climate-related fields. These conversations resulted in two lists of recommendations: one directed at employers, and the other at community or statewide policymakers. Read the full report to learn more.
Events and Opportunities
EAN pre-summit event
Reconnect with Network members and public sector partners, brainstorm and discuss priorities for the Network, and collaborate around developing pitches for the September summit.
June 1, 2023 | 9am-2pm in Montpelier
EAN 2023 Annual Summit
This year’s summit will return to Sugarbush Resort, where our traditional EAN Summit will take place on September 28th with an optional second day on September 29th focused on Network Action Teams learning from one another and planning.
SAVE THE DATE | September 28-29
Webinar: Networked Geothermal Series
The EAN Networked Geothermal Network Action team hosted a webinar on Monday March 20. Our partners at Vermont Community Geothermal Alliance and Renewable Energy Vermont are hosting one more webinar in this series on The Benefits and Business of Thermal Energy Networks.
Tuesday April 4 at noon
Better Building by Design conference
Join Efficiency Vermont for its annual Better Building by Design (BBD) conference April 5th and 6th. This is the region’s premier design and construction conference, which features interactive learning about building durability, efficiency, and value for both residential and commercial projects. EAN will be co-presenting on April 5th in a session about designing a Workforce Development Training Center – Leading with Equity.
April 5th and 6th in S. Burlington
VTrans Carbon Reduction Strategy Stakeholder sessions
VTrans invites you to share your transportation experiences as the agency considers the most cost effective and equitable programs and strategies to reduce transportation carbon emissions.
Thursday, March 23, 2023 6:00 PM via Zoom
EAN Network Action Teams
EAN Network Action Teams meet regularly. If you are interested in joining meetings of the Weatherization at Scale Coalition, the Climate Workforce Coalition, or other teams, or if you want to learn more about their work, contact Cara:
Vermont Climate Council Meetings
All Vermont Climate Council meetings and subcommittee meetings are open to the public, with all details on the Climate Council website.
The Vermont Total Energy Ticker
Clean heat standard moves forward on 19-10 Senate vote
Amid debates that have reached a fever pitch across the state, lawmakers in the Vermont Senate voted 19-10 to advance a bill that aims to transform the way Vermonters heat their homes. 
VT Digger
Vermont teens call on lawmakers to act on climate change and pass the Affordable Heat Act
As legislators scrambled to meet crossover deadlines for policy bills at the Statehouse on Friday, youth climate activists spent the day calling on lawmakers to prioritize climate justice.
VT Digger
Burlington voters pass Carbon Pollution Impact Fee
The policy requires new construction to be fully renewable, and for large existing buildings and City buildings to use renewable heating and water heating systems when replacing older systems, starting in 2024.
Vermont Biz
Have an upcoming event or news story to share? Let us know.

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