The Clean Heat Standard: Whitepaper
The Clean Heat Standard white paper below was written by Rich Cowart and Chris Neme with advice, input, data, and support from the Clean Heat Standard Network Action Team.
December 2021
Vermonters spend approximately $750 million per year to purchase fossil heating fuels that we know we can no longer responsibly burn. Importing those fuels imposes a huge drain on the Vermont economy and exposes Vermont families and businesses to substantial fuel price volatility in global markets. Fuel oil, propane, and gas bills also impose substantial and disproportionately high energy cost burdens, especially on lower-income households. Fossil-fuels used for thermal purposes account for 34% of Vermont’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Those emissions must be reduced by at least 15% below 2018 levels by 2025 and then by 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050 to meet our carbon reduction requirements. In this whitepaper we aim to tackle these problems through a performance-based program, the Clean Heat Standard, that would ensure that Vermont’s heat suppliers and local enterprises transform their businesses greenhouse gas emissions and fossil heating costs in Vermont buildings.
The Whitepaper is available to view and download below.
For any questions on the research brief or the Network Action Team, please contact Network Manager, Cara Robechek. Her contact information can be found here.