Advanced Clean Cars II in VT: Implications for EVs and GHG Emissions
By Mei Butler, EAN Data Manager
January 2022
EAN is pleased to share this Research Brief, “Advanced Clean Cars II in VT: Implications for EVs and GHG Emissions.” Its purpose is to examine the implications of adopting the Advanced Clean Cars II regulations in Vermont. This Research Brief is meant to aid concurrent discussions taking place through the Climate Council.
Vermont’s Climate Action Plan recommends adopting the Advanced Clean Cars II regulations, which are in development by the California Air Resources Board, as a policy measure that could lead to a reduction in transportation emissions. In this memo, we analyze the impacts that ACC II would have in Vermont. The goal of ACC II is to reduce criteria pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions of new light- and medium-duty vehicles, while increasing the number of zero-emission vehicles. This research brief explores the implications of adopting ACC II in Vermont, with a specific focus on:
- The number of new plug-in electric vehicles (“EVs”) that will be available for sale as a result of ACC II.
- The accompanying GHG emissions reductions from these vehicles.
- What this means for meeting Vermont’s overall emissions reduction requirements.
The Research Brief is available to view and download below.