Total Energy News February 2024
Your Update on Vermont and National Energy News
We are pleased to share EAN’s newest interactive dashboard, which visualizes data about Vermont’s energy progress at the local level. You can read more about this new dashboard (which replaces an older energy dashboard) in the Profile and Data Download sections below. We also invite you to join a webinar that will feature both the new local energy progress dashboard and EAN’s Vermont GHG emissions dashboard on March 15, 2024 from noon – 1 p.m. Register here for this webinar.
We hope you will also join us at Hugo’s Bar and Grill in Montpelier on March 20th from 5-7 p.m. for our next Leveraging Change Speaker Series event. This event will share information about How the Grid Will Need to Evolve As We ‘Electrify Everything’. Speakers Rebecca Towne (Vermont Electric Co-op), Serge Abergel (Hydro-Québec), and Sarah Adams (ISO-NE) will each share information, and Kerrick Johnson from VELCO will moderate the conversation. There will be light food available and plenty of time for networking. Please register in advance for this in-person event.
We hope to see you at one or both of these upcoming events in March!
Cara, Jared, and Lena
P.S. We are still accepting applications for the EAN Summer Internship program until March 1st. Please spread the word with college students (rising juniors and seniors in 2024) and 2024 college graduates who might be interested!
Nine states pledge to boost heat pumps to 90% of sales by 2040
An agreement between state environmental agencies in the Northeast and West seeks to make high-efficiency electric tech the norm in residential heating and cooling.
Energy News Network
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Why the slowest EV chargers may be the fastest way to get people into EVs
Apartments need EV charging.
Supporters of trickle-slow “Level 1” chargers argue that access is more important than speed.
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Clean energy jobs are plentiful in Maine, a trained workforce is stepping up
In Maine, clean energy jobs provide career pathways that allow workers to stay in rural areas where the population has been shrinking.
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Profile – Vermont Energy Dashboard
EAN is excited to share our latest interactive data tool, the Vermont Energy Dashboard, which visualizes local progress toward adoption of key decarbonization measures. The Dashboard tracks uptake of four high-impact measures in the thermal and transportation sectors: comprehensive weatherization projects, cold-climate heat pump installations, heat pump water heater installations, and electric vehicle registrations.
This new local energy dashboard is intended to be an improvement upon the previous Community Energy Dashboard, with a more user-friendly and accessible interface, as well as more up-to-date data. The previous dashboard site ( will be shutting down as of March 15th.
The new Dashboard is now live at so make sure to check it out and explore your community’s progress! We will be continuing to improve upon this resource on an ongoing basis, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to Lena Stier at with any questions or feedback.
Lastly, we will be providing an in-depth overview of key features of this new Dashboard and how to use it in an upcoming webinar on Friday, March 15th, from noon-1 p.m. You can register for the webinar here.
Data Download: Cold-climate heat pump installations by town
Between 2015 and 2022, over 47,000 cold-climate heat pumps were installed in homes across the state. This map shows how these heat pumps are distributed across Vermont’s towns. For the sake of comparison, the map shows the number of heat pumps (note: the count is of outdoor units, not individual indoor heads) in each town on a per-housing unit basis, accounting for differences in town size and population. Statewide, there are approximately 0.14 heat pumps for every housing unit. This number reaches nearly 0.6 in several towns in Addison County and in the western part of the state. In some areas this number is much lower, including in Essex County where there are just under 0.02 heat pumps installed per housing unit.
Our new Energy Dashboard allows you to view each town’s data, as well as generate a map that breaks down the data by county and by Regional Planning Commission. Check out the Dashboard to find out how much progress your community has made!
EAN Webinar | Tracking Vermont’s energy transition at the local level
Join Energy Action Network for an introduction to two new interactive dashboards, one for local energy progress tracking and one for statewide GHG emissions tracking. In this webinar, EAN staff will give an overview of the data tools available, followed by a walk-through of how to use them to track progress at both the state and local level. Plus, plenty of time for discussion and Q&A.
March 15 at noon – 1 p.m. on Zoom
Learn more and register
Leveraging Change Speaker Series | Grid Evolution As We “Electrify Everything”
Join EAN for a conversation about how the grid will need to evolve as we “Electrify Everything”. Speakers will include Rebecca Towne (Vermont Electric Co-op), Serge Abergel (Hydro-Québec), and Sarah Adams from ISO-NE. Kerrick Johnson from VELCO will moderate the conversation.
March 20 at 5 p.m. (Hugo’s Bar and Grill, Montpelier)
Learn more and register
VECAN Webinar | How to Develop a Thermal Energy Network
Several Vermont energy committees are exploring how they can bring Thermal Energy Networks to their towns, using geothermal and waste heat to provide clean heating and cooling. We’ll hear how energy committees and others are taking steps to bring this solution to their communities, showing how it can be applied in a variety of ways and provide multiple local benefits. We’ll also introduce a new toolkit from Energy Action Network’s TENs Team: How to Develop a Thermal Energy Network. This resource can help you get started, then walk you through selecting a site, considering ownership models, understanding current financing opportunities, and using best practices for a Thermal Energy Network project.
March 13 at noon – 1 p.m. on Zoom
Learn more and register
VEEP Adult Programming
The Vermont Energy Education Program announces registration is open for this year’s VEEP/NHEEP Summer Institute for teachers: Beyond the Standards – Solutions for Climate Change!
June 24-28, 2024 inAlbany, NH
Learn more
Vermont Climate Council Subcommittees
Nominations for Vermont Climate Council Subcommittees are now open and will close on Sunday, February 25, 2024. New members will be announced in March.
Learn more and nominate
EAN Network Action Teams
EAN Network Action Teams meet regularly. If you are interested in joining meetings of the Weatherization at Scale Coalition, the Climate Workforce Coalition, or other teams, or if you want to learn more about their work, contact Cara:
Vermont Climate Council Meetings
All Vermont Climate Council meetings and subcommittee meetings are open to the public, with all details on the Climate Council website.
The Vermont Total Energy Ticker
Vermont leads New England in per capita heat pump installations
Vermonters have installed a total of around 63,000 heat pumps, about 97 heat pumps for every 1,000 Vermont residents, according to Efficiency Vermont.
VT Digger
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Are you a super driver? Some states want to help you go electric
A small share of motorists burns about a third of America’s gasoline, a study found. Switching to electric vehicles would make a huge dent in climate-warming emissions.
New York Times
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A Superfund for climate change? States consider a new way to make Big Oil pay
Vermont joins Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York in a multi-state effort to hold Big Oil accountable for the expensive damage from climate change.
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Have an upcoming event or news story to share? Let us know.